American River Dental
Topics Of Interest
American River Dental
Bad Breath
- Wear down tooth enamel
- Break fillings or other dental work
- Worsening of TMJ dysfunction
- Create jaw pain,toothaches, headaches, or earaches
- Cause tooth sensitivity
- Increase tooth mobility
- Chip Teeth
Cold Sores
Dry Mouth
Saliva flow is important other than appearance and comfort. It keeps the mouth moist and aids in chewing, swallowing, digestion and speech. Dry mouth is a condition from the lack normal saliva flow.
Causes of dry mouth:
– Dehydration
– Emotional Stress
– Anemia
– Related to surgery
– Medical Conditions
– Medication
– Allergy
– Anti-depressant
– Blood pressure
– Some mouth washes high in alcohol content
Dry mouth symptoms:
– Mouth feels sticky
– Lips cracked and dry
– Tongue may have burning sensation
People who experience dry mouth are at high risk for developing:
– Cavities
– Gum disease
– Bad breath
Helping dry mouth:
– Chewing gum / lozenges
– Humidifier at night
– Maintaining good oral hygiene
Mouth Guards
Oral Piercing
You are probably familiar with the links between tobacco use and lung disease, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Current studies have also established that tobacco smoking not only causes direct damage to your mouth but also makes periodontal diseases more damaging and harder to treat.
There is a greater incidence of calculus formation on teeth, deeper pockets between gums and teeth, more gum recession and more loss of the bone that hold teeth in your mouth. In addition, smokeless tobacco greatly increases your chance of developing oral cancer. Any tobacco usage can complicate the placement of dental implants.
Besides smokeless tobacco, cigarette smoking negatively impacts the health of the gums. The healing capacity of the mouth is significantly altered. The healing time from any procedure is always increased. Needless to say smoking creates more tartar, more stain, bad breath and an increased potential for mouth cancer.
Other chemicals impair the function of your white blood cells which are your first line of defense against infection. The tars contain carcinogens which over time induce cell mutations and cancers.
Quitting tobacco use will lower the risk of your developing cancer and improve the health of your teeth and gums, as well as your heart and lungs.
Smokeless tobacco poses very serious problems including:
– Causes tooth decay
– Eats away your gums
– Leads to tooth loss
– Bad breath
– Stains your teeth
– Causes oral sensitivity to hot and cold
– Decreases sense of taste and smell
If oral cancer is left untreated long enough, it may even cause death.
Tooth Fractures
There are many types of cracked teeth. The treatment and outcome for your tooth depends on the type, location and severity of the crack.
Unlike a broken bone, a fracture in a cracked tooth will never heal. Early diagnosis is important, even with high magnification and special lighting, it is sometimes difficult to determine the extent of a crack.
A crown will bind and protect the cracked tooth. When a crack reaches the tooth root, root canal treatment is frequently needed to treat the injured pulp. A cracked tooth that is not treated will progressively worsen, eventually resulting in the loss of the tooth.
Traumatic Ulcer
It is not uncommon for children to inadvertently “bite” on their lips or cheeks, particularly following a dental visit where local anesthetic was used. The main reason why this occurs is the natural curiosity that a child has about the area of the mouth that is “numb.” We try our best to explain to children that local anesthesia is temporary and we give them (and their parents) instructions on how to prevent “lip biting.” In the event that this occurs, please notify our office so we can determine if your son or daughter will require treatment (i.e. antibiotics or pain medicine).